Wednesday 16 March 2011


I was so tired I slept completely through the alarm this morning. Considering that this is Johnny and Lisa on the Capital breakfast show blaring out on the radio, that is some achievement!!

This resulted in screaming panic from me when I realised it was 7.45am as we have to leave for school at 8.20. Amazingly, the teenage drama queen was actually awake and already out of bed. I did question why she hadn't woke me up but she reckoned she didn't know what time it was. Thankfully Rebecca is now fine at dressing herself (although she does still put her socks on back to front!) so by forsaking my cup of coffee we did manage to make it to school just in time.

I hate oversleeping and having to rush in the morning. It throws me for the rest of the day. Tonight won't be particularly restful either as Rebecca has swimming and I need to do some phonics work with her. This isn't anything set by the school but I felt that they didn't seem to be doing anything extra with her at the moment so I'm trying to help her with blending sounds as she still has trouble reading sh and th and ee.

Plus the ex is supposed to be coming to see the girls tonight so I need to tidy up a bit and find time to dye my hair. My grey roots are coming through so badly that I look like a badger!!

So I'm busy, busy, busy! Bye for now

love Riki xxxx

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