Well, it's the end of the Easter holidays and Teenage Drama Queen has finished them in style, Ha! Nothing I have done or said has gone down well with her since they got back from their Dads.
Easter Sunday, she stayed in her bedroom virtually all day on her laptop. I dragged her out for our traditional egg hunt and she did it with such a bad attitude that it ruined it for me. She moaned that the clues were too easy and then tried to push in front of Rebecca every time to get to the eggs and the next clue. Rebecca actually ended up in tears at one point. I told her to grow up and was it the end of the world if she let her little sister get there first? She is sooooo competitive! I'd made a special Easter cake as well which neither of them liked very much so I failed there as well.
Today she got up and said she felt ill again (I should mention that she has been an absolute nightmare to get to bed all through the holiday!) I convinced her that fresh air might help and she came in the garden this afternoon. All she did though was snipe at Rebecca and call her names. Then tonight I tried to get her to bed at ten and it was half eleven before I succeeded. I tried talking to her about her attitude but the only response was how much she hates school and how everything is soooo bad. She really is in the frame of mind where she thinks that no-one could possibly be worse off than her. She does worry me and her attitude to Rebecca seems to be getting worse. She knows all about Rebecca's problems and issues but still persists in calling her weird and other nasty comments. Rebecca already has self esteem issues and it worries me what effect her sister's comments are having.
I am really not sure what to do about her, I hope it's just a phase. She's only thirteen so don't tell me I have years of this type of behaviour to endure! I feel like a really bad, bad mummy for writing this next sentence. I know she's my daughter and i love her unconditionally, but I don't like her very much at the moment.....
Still, it's school for both of them tomorrow so a bit of peace for me and a chance to recover. Bye for now
love Riki xxxxx
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