Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Eeeeek, now this could be interesting!!!

We got an invitation today which was really nice. It's from the ex's family. His cousin's son is having his first Holy Communion and the girls and I are invited. I was really happy about this as I've made efforts to keep in touch with them and they were really nice to me when the ex walked out. But then I had a thought......

The ex is the boy's godfather.

Leaving aside the fact that I don't think he has seen him since his christening, the ex will definitely be invited to this. According to Teenage Drama Queen, her dad and the girlfriend were talking about an invitation at the weekend but changed the subject and wouldn't tell her what it was about when she asked.

You are probably thinking what is the fuss, we have been separated for a long time so what is the problem about both attending? Well, that is what normal people would think, but we are talking about the ex here! Since he walked out, we have only been at the same party once. Funny, that was a Holy Communion too. The ex acted liked a complete prat that day and every time I walked into a room, he walked out. He made the situation so awkward that i ended up apologising to the friends hosting the party. The next time they had a party, he was invited along with the girlfriend and me and the girls were not invited. I was really hurt by that as I had acted maturely and we were the ones pushed out.

The only family function he has attended was a wedding that I couldn't go to anyway.

I am definitely going to this party so it could be very very very awkward especially as the party bit is in a house where it's not easy to avoid people and this time the girlfriend will be in tow as well. I'll be driving so I can't even have a drink for dutch courage.

It's in 4 weeks time so Hello Crash Diet (girlfriend is 10 years younger than me and very skinny) and I definitely need a new outfit. It's silly ,I know, but if I feel that I look good then I'll be able to cope more with whatever happens. If he starts the walking out the room thing again, then I think I'll tell the stupid man to grow up!!!

Bye for now

love Riki xxxx

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