Sunday, 6 February 2011

Too quiet!

The girls are at their Dad's until tonight and by now I am fed up with just talking to the cat, although at least he doesn't answer back. The house is never this quiet at the weekend. I do normally enjoy my 24 hours off from being full time Mum especially as it doesn't happen that often. Today I feel a bit sad though as it's the girls Nan's birthday and I know that their Dad and his girlfriend are taking her and the girls out. It is still surprisingly hard to think of them doing family things together. Last night I phoned my eldest girl Katherine because Rebecca had left her birthday card for Nanny at home and I was worried she'd be upset. Rebecca had made the card herself and tried really hard to write neatly inside. Whenever she does anything like this, I try to praise her a lot as she is starting to realise that her dyslexia means that it is harder for her to do some things and praise for trying hard with her writing boosts her self confidence. Anyway, I ended up talking to the ex briefly and he made me feel so bad for phoning and intruding that I put the phone down and cried. I hate that he still has the capacity to make me feel crap about myself.

The girls will be back about 8pm so I'm going to spend the day clearing up and doing some housework and sorting through some dyslexia aids I've just got for Rebecca. The best one appears to be something called a Cooler Ruler which is a way of  blocking off parts of long words to help break down the sounds a bit at a time. It only arrived yesterday so we haven't tried it out yet, I'll let you know how we get on.

Bye for now

love Riki xx

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