I seem to have spent most of my day in the opticians. This morning, it was for me as I needed a contact lens test. This didn't go as well as I'd hoped as my eyes are still showing sign of oxygen deprivation even after a year of diligently taking them out before 12 hours are up. Anyway, the optician has put me on a three week trial of silicone lenses and if they help, then I will just continue with them. I desperately want to be able to continue wearing contacts as with glasses I look too much like my mother (shudder - but that's a subject for a whole different post, actually stories about my mother would probably fill a whole blog!).
We were then back at the opticians after school for Katherine's eye test. She was fine and pleased to hear that her vision was 20:20. My occupancy of the optician will continue with a visit on Sunday for Rebecca to have her eyes tested. This will be interesting as she hasn't had them tested formally since pre school. I have told them she's dyslexic, but I'm not sure if they alter the test in any way to accommodate that. Her sight is the only thing that hasn't been tested recently so it will be good to get it checked before she sees the paediatrician next month.
Rebecca made it through the cycling day at school OK and seemed happy about it. I felt so sorry for her tonight as we cycled home and people from her class kept passing us while she struggled along on her stabilisers. I kept reminding her that a few months ago, she had trouble even steering at all and now I just have to guide her a little. She got a bit frustrated and there were a few tears. It's hard for her as she has both the weakness in ankles and wrists due to hyper mobility and the problems with her co-ordination to contend with and she is now old enough to realise that she struggles with lots of things that her peers find easy. I just try to praise her for the things that she does do well and remind her how much progress she has made.
I am taking Rebecca shopping tomorrow while Katherine is out with friends. I told her she can have a little present as a reward for her headteachers award. She decided that she would like a new book. It is encouraging that despite her reading difficulties, she has such an intense love of books and stories.
I'm off to chill out now and watch some TV with a large mug of coffee. Bye for now
love Riki xxxx
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